
Could you represent your community?

Are you interested in representing your local community?  Do you want to play a part in shaping the services that local people use?

There is currently a vacancy in С»ÆƬapp and Bute Council Ward 2, Kintyre and the Islands. A by-election will be held on Thursday 18 July 2024. People who are registered to vote in the area will be asked to elect one councillor who, along with two other elected members, will represent the mix of rural and island communities which make up the ward.

If you would like to find out more about standing for election, С»ÆƬapp and Bute Council has a dedicated web page to guide you through the process. This includes the council’s own guide to Becoming A Councillor, as well as links to a range of other external resources which provide information about the role, what’s expected and what councillors do.

People who want to stand for election to Ward 2, Kintyre and the Islands, must complete and submit a nomination form. Nominations can be submitted from Monday 10 June, and must be with the council by 4pm on Monday 17 June.  

You can download a nomination pack for the С»ÆƬapp and Bute Council elections.

There are also a number of helpful resources, including short video talks from experienced councillors, at  

More information about the Ward 2, Kintyre and the Islands by-election, can be found on the council’s dedicated By-Election web page.

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