
For parents of pupils at Lochgilphead Joint Campus

Letter from NHS Highland to parents of pupils at Lochgilphead Joint Campus 

Dear Parents of pupils at Lochgilphead Joint Campus, 


 The NHS Highland Health Protection Team (HPT) has been advised today that there has been 1 more confirmed case of COVID-19 at the school in an S5 pupil. This makes a total of 2 confirmed cases.  

The pupil whose result was reported positive today was last at school on Friday 4th September. Contact tracing is now underway. The young people who have been in direct close contact with the new confirmed case are being contacted and they will be asked to stay at home and self-isolate for 14 days.

The rest of the school campus remains open and pupils can continue to attend if they remain well.

The general advice we provided in the letter you received on Friday is still relevant.

The school has been cleaned over the weekend to the standards outlined in the Health Protection Scotland guidance. 

Yours sincerely,


Dr Ken Oates

Consultant in Public Health Medicine






























































































































































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