
Grants and Funding


How can we help you?

Designed to help groups find their way through the funding maze, this section shows where you can get help to develop your project, information on sources of funding, links to sites that will give you tips on funding and free software, and the monthly funding bulletin, Funding Alert, that has the latest funding information and deadlines.

Are you looking for funding for your project or group?

Check out our GrantNet Link. Grant Net allows you to tailor searches for funding for your group/ organisation and through this portal is free!       

We also produce a monthly funding bulletin.

A wide range of current funding opportunities gathered from a range of sources and collated  in a monthly bulletin highlighting deadlines and links for more details.

Download the latest Alert from here

Are you looking for information about community asset transfers?

We host a page that has information and contact details of how to start a community asset transfer.

Are you looking for support or help to develop an application for your project or group?

We have produced a set of topic specific information and funding sheets with useful contacts and helpful information along with a detailed funding search on the topic.

Have a look at our Topic Sheets

We have also produced a page of links to pages within the Council's website as well as other organisation's websites. They all offer support with developing your project or group ideas and applications.

Get more information on Funding and Support

Sign up to get regular updates

You can sign up online to get regular updates and the monthly Funding Alert emailed to you using our

Contact the Communities and Partnership Team

The aim of the Team is ‘Social Enterprise Growth to build sustainability of services and communities through collaboration’ to;

  • Improve the way the Council does business with the Third Sector
  • Develop new ways of Delivering Services – Carnegie UK Trust and Review of Council Services
  • Assist delivery of Economic Development Action Plan – CHORD/Renewables/Food and Drink/Tourism/Culture, Heritage and Forestry

For general enquiries email: thirdsectorenquiries@argyll-bute.gov.uk or for individual contact details have a look at our contact us page. 

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