
Additional Licenses

Additional licenses, dependent upon the type of activity you are looking to undertake may be required under legislative requirements. These include:

  • Holding a collection (charity and/or future funding purposes);
  • Selling any article (street trading);
  • Selling alcohol;
  • Performing a play;
  • Showing a film;
  • Performing live or recorded music;
  • Performing dance;
  • Providing boxing or wrestling entertainment;
  • Providing entertainment of a similar description to live or recorded music or dance.

On submission of your application, our licencing team will review your application and where a licence is required, they will be in touch to confirm and agree your licencing needs.  Note, where licence applications are required, we will work with you to assist in ensuring these are in place prior to the event taking place.  Any delay relating to licencing may impact on the event approval therefore the licensing team will be happy to assist you with any questions or queries you may have and you are invited to contact them directly to discuss your event on 01546 604355 or email licensing@argyll-bute.gov.uk

IMPORTANT - failure to obtain the appropriate approval could result in a prosecution.

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