Risk Management training for С»ÆƬapp Groups was delivered by the С»ÆƬapp Development Team in August 2022 and looked at risk management strategies, to ensure groups are adopting the right mitigating actions and policies, being aware of their statutory obligations and making certain that all the people who need to be on board are aware of their responsibilities.
The slides are below:
Presentation slides - Risk Management for С»ÆƬapp Groups (PDF)
The course also directed attendees to some of the below sites for further information:
- festivals_and_events_topic_sheet_2019.pdf (argyll-bute.gov.uk)
- Publications, Practice and Guidance (argyll-bute.gov.uk)
- Adult Protection (argyll-bute.gov.uk)
For a session on risk with your board or group to look at risk management please contact communitydevelopment@argyll-bute.gov.uk