Asset Transfer Support
Welcome to С»ÆƬapp and Bute Council’s Asset Transfer support page for С»ÆƬapp Transfer Bodies.
This page will host information and links to where you can receive support in finding more about Asset Transfer as part of the С»ÆƬapp Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015.
This is a link to the full act
In particular Part 5 of the С»ÆƬapp Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 which sets out the key rights and duties and provides a framework for the asset transfer process.
This is a link towhich deals with Asset Transfer in particular.
This link takes you to the Scottish Government website for С»ÆƬapp Asset Transfers. You can also download the used to support the Act. There is also a that gives a quick overview.
You may find information on the following site of help when looking at С»ÆƬapp Empowerment and Asset Transfers
The Development Trust Association Scotland (DTAS) run a service called С»ÆƬapp Ownership Support Service (COSS).
Open this link
They are funded directly from the Scottish Government and offer support to help community-based groups in Scotland to take on land or building assets for their community.
They also support local authorities, other public bodies and members of С»ÆƬapp Planning Partnerships wishing to transfer a building or land asset.
The site hosts a range of publications, advice, fact sheets and tools to help decide on how to move forward.
Highlands and Islands also host for community assets you may find useful.
SCVO has helpful advice on its for groups setting up a formal organisation, including advice on charitable status.
The Scottish Government pages have helpful information and a you may find of assistance.
С»ÆƬapp and Bute Council can help with finding out about your community’s priorities, help with getting local people more involved and support and local funding for community projects. For more information contact the