Home owners are responsible for the repair and maintenance of their houses.
Repair and maintenance of homes is simply the housing equivalent of ‘a stitch in time’ and it will save you money and preserve property value in the long run.
What needs to be done?
Works can broadly be divided into;
- small works which need to be done regularly to keep a house in top condition, things like keeping the gutters clear of weeds, patching render or pointing, and replacing missing slates.
- Long term replacement as elements of the building reach the end of the effectiveness of the material. For example – a flat felt roof can be expected to last 15 to 20 years. A concrete tile roof 40 to 60 years. Much depends on the location of the house, the exposure to severe weather and the maintenance carried out over the life of the building. However very few building materials will last forever and with the predominance of older houses in С»ÆƬapp and Bute most houses need consideration of replacement of major elements.
Our Advice
- Don’t let small repairs develop into major repairs.
- Plan for the future, both to get work done and to save to pay for it.
How do I know what needs to be done?
Surveying of houses, or informed observation, is well within the capabilities of most home owners. The Historic Environment Scotland booklet , explains in easy terms how to start this process off. The guide is applicable to houses of all ages as well as historic buildings.
Our Advice
- You have to make a start. Go outside today and using a checklist start to critically look at what might need to be done to your house.
The Council is also preparing a Guide for Homeowners – Looking After your Home, which will be available here soon.
The "Under One Roof Website" gives practical, impartial advice on repairs and maintenance in flatted buildings of all types.
Technical Guides
Most old buildings whether they are listed or not, utilise traditional materials of stone, slate and timber. Historic Environment Scotland produces a range of technical ‘’ providing easy to understand information for home owners on all aspects of the maintenance of older buildings.
Our Advice
- By being informed you can make better decisions on the future of your building.
Private Water Supplies
If your property served by a Private Water Supply (i.e. not provided by Scottish Water) that is in need of repair or upgrade a non-means tested improvement grant may be available. Guidance on maintaining your supply is also provided.