- Co-ordinate a painting or stone cleaning scheme to make an impact and lift house values across the whole street.
- Get a contractor to give you a discounted price for cleaning all the gutters in the street.
Campbeltown THI
The THI has already demonstrated that, by all owners getting together to use one builder who can bring in a large crane, a gutter cleaning С»ÆƬapp can be cut from as much as £1000 to £200 per tenement.
"The Townscape Heritage Initiative (THI) has helped secure major restoration schemes including the Old Schoolhouse and the Royal Hotel, with more to follow, including several vacant buildings.
But tenement owners also have a role to play in the regeneration project. Well maintained tenements show an active, prosperous town with a future".
James Lafferty, Campbeltown THI Project Officer
Next: Tenement maintenance guide - Advice on ongoing maintenance >