What is the Educational Psychology Service?
Educational Psychologists have specialist knowledge of child psychology, development and education. They use this knowledge to work alongside school staff, parents and other professionals to help children and young people succeed in education and beyond.
All schools have an Educational Psychologist who links with them on a regular basis.
How does the service become involved?
- In most cases school staff and parents or carers will have agreed that there are causes for concern.
- With your permission, the school will discuss these concerns with the Educational Psychologist. Whilst parents can make direct contact with the service, as can young people themselves, it is most effective when everyone works together.
- If our involvement may be of help, a meeting between the parent or carer, school staff and the Educational Psychologist will be arranged. At this point, agreement is reached about whether there is a need for the Educational Psychologist to become involved more directly.
The role of the Educational Psychologist
When working with children and young people the Educational Psychologist will gather information about the child or young person’s strengths, interests and any areas of difficulty or concerns.
This information may relate directly to your child, to the school environment, or to the child or young person within the family. Important information will come from you as a parent or carer.
The views of your child or young person are also centrally important to guide effective supports or interventions.
What will the Educational Psychologist do?
With your agreement, the Educational Psychologist will become involved which could include:
- Talking to you and those who know your child
- Observing your child in class
- Considering assessment information that is already available and the views of your child
- Carrying out Direct assessment with your child
- Linking with other agencies
Once the Educational Psychologist has gathered information and reached a conclusion, a discussion will take place with you, school staff and others involved to share this information. This discussion will support planning to meet your child’s needs. Any further involvement with the Educational Psychologist, if required, should be agreed and have a clear purpose.
Getting it right for every child
Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC) is a practice model that aims to improve outcomes for all children and young people. The Educational Psychology team works within this guidance. More information on GIRFEC approaches can be found at: www.argyll-bute.gov.uk/girfec
Contact us
Education Psychology Service
С»ÆƬapp House
Alexandra Parade
PA23 8AJ
Tel: 01369 708537
You can also find contact details for all Educational Psychologists on the website at: