
Bowmore Gaelic Pre Five Unit

Bowmore Primary School, Flora Street, Bowmore Isle of Islay

Location: Bowmore, Isle of Islay

ELC funded hours for 3 and 4 year olds: 


ELC funded hours for eligible 2 year olds: 


Number of weeks funded ELC is delivered within the Academic Year, August – July): 38

Funded ELC Operating days: Monday to Friday

Funded ELC session times and hours per week: 09:05 - 15:05

Total Funded Hours per week: 30 hours

In Bowmore ELC and Sgoil-Àraich we aim to offer the highest quality service which recognises the valuable early learning experiences that children have at home and address the learning and developmental needs of all the children during their time in our care. 

Under developments of Curriculum for Excellence, we strive to help children develop as Successful Learners (learning to learn), Responsible Citizens (learning to live with others), Confident Individuals (learning to be) and Effective Contributors (learning to do). 

Core values: Ambition - Creativity - Equity

Care Inspectorate: 





Local Authority
Funded ELC for 2 year olds
Funded ELC for 3 and 4 year olds
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